7 steps to unleash your personal power so you can own your value, speak your truth and lead with authenticity and confidence.



7 steps to unleash your personal power so you can own your value, speak your truth and lead with authenticity and confidence.


We Kick-Off In Only...









Do you wish you could...

Are you tired of being passed over for promotion and raises and you want to be seen as a leader?

Have you tried self-development programs before but they never worked for you?

We hear you.


This might sound familiar …

  • You second guess yourself often
  • You struggle to say no
  • You change your mind a lot, even after you made a decision
  • Your past mistakes haunt you
  • You worry about being able to continue to perform the way you are now
  • You find it hard to speak up and be heard
  • You find yourself waiting for the right time
  • You regularly worry if you are doing a good job or not


Imagine you could...


Develop a practical toolkit to navigate roadblocks and red flags when they come up


Get clear on what you really want in life, understand why it's important to you and have a plan to get you there.


Take aligned and courageous action, so you can really own your value, speak your truth and lead with confidence


A 10 week program for women who are ready for a change, ready to get more out of both their career and lives. You’ll learn how to create an amazing future full of possibilities!

We work together towards your customised plan: through weekly calls, journaling, activities and thoughtful action steps each week. Along with lots of friendly encouragement along the way.


In this transformational program you will discover how to...


Demolish the insecurity that holds you back.

Wholeheartedly go after your goals and achieve them.

Stop feeling like an imposter and get acknowledged for what you do best.

Have a clear process to follow where you simply do the next thing on the list and are shown how

Take strategic action, make it happen and GET RESULTS

Start living up to your full potential

You are capable of everything you put your mind to and we are going to help you get there.


If we haven’t met before, we are Kate Boorer & Fiona Pearman, together we wrote the Core Confidence book because we kept hearing from women in our Leadership programs that one of their biggest stumbling blocks was confidence.
The more we unpacked the barriers to women achieving what they wanted in career and life – all paths led back to confidence. These women told us:
  • I’m not speaking up when I want to in meetings
  • I’m frustrated that others are gaining promotions and payrise while I seem to be standing still
  • I thought working hard would be enough to be noticed
  • Even when I know the best way forward, I end up second guessing myself
  • I’m just not sure what to do next
We’ve worked with hundreds of women just like you, and have seen them step into their confident selves, negotiate significant salary increases make big leaps with their careers and have a major impact on their teams and organisations.


Overview Of Acts Of Confidence


Here is the breakdown...

The Acts of Confidence Modules


so that you truly know what you desire and what kind of life you want to live. Once you know what you want, making decisions to move you towards achieving it gets easier.

  • Goal settng webinar
  • Finding your purpose webinar
  • Setting yourself up for success
  • Taking action
  • Your beliefs and goals
  • Your mindset and goals


so that you can clearly show your current or next potential employers or stakeholders what you’ve got to offer, how your skills will help them and increase the reward you receive for doing them. People who know they are good and can communicate well get opportunities faster and are paid more for them.

  • Embracing the gift of struggle
  • 7 things to do before you ask for a payrise
  • Core Confidence anchor


so that those around you know what you are planning to achieve and can support you to get the opportunities you need to get there.

  • 7 things to do before you ask for a payrise
  • Crafting and articulating your value
  • How to have your cake and negotiate too
  • Providing feedback


so that you humbly ask questions, admit mistakes and surround yourself with people who can provide support, foster your further development and build resilience. The ability to ask for help allows you to go further, faster in career, life and relationships.

  • 4 reasons why asking for help makes you a stronger, not weaker leader
  • How to get the help you need
  • Developing relationships with mentors
  • How to ask for help and get a ‘yes’


so that you can learn from your mistakes even when things don’t turn out exactly as you wanted without staying stuck or slowing you down.

  • Face into fear
  • Leading through change
  • 30 self-care strategies how to build and retain a resilient mindset


so that you can establish your own identity and take care of your relationships, mental health and well-being.

  • Why saying no to others is saying yes to yourself
  • 8 ways to say no with grace and style
  • Managing conflict


so that you can differentiate yourself from the competition and allow you to build trust with prospective clients and employers. You never get a second chance to make a first impression— we help you make one that will set you apart.

  • 18 questions to help you define your personal brand
  • Building your brand and network
  • Building impact and influence through authentic presence

Plus you get these Bonuses

The Core Confidence Book
Written by our expert Coaches – Kate Boorer & Fiona Pearman

  • Includes the models and methodology we share in our workshops
  • The 10 elements, both the internal and external facets, that together reconnect you to your Core Confidence

Bonus Trainings

  • How to Set Goals
  • Finding your Purpose
  • Strive – why the pursuit of our goals is as important as achieving them
  • Face into Fear
  • Build Your Brand & Network
Templates and Checklists
  • 7 Things to Do Before Asking for a Payrise
  • 18 Questions to Define Your Personal Brand




Meet Your Coaches

Kate is one of Australia’s leading experts on career, confidence and personal brand. Sought-after speaker mentor and facilitator, Kate helps CEO’s, leaders and professional women achieve commercial, professional and personal success.
Fiona is passionate about working with women and organisations to create gender balance at every level of the organisation – she’s known for her work as a coach, mentor and facilitator of leadership and culture programs that disrupt the status quo.
Together, we’ve learned a whole lot along our journey and advised some of the best organisations in Australia, including how to support individual women to step into their power, how to address systemic and structural barriers that are holding women back and how to create cultures where everyone thrives.
And now we want to help you unlock your full potential – which is why we developed this program – it takes all our know-how and provides you with a practical step by step path to own your talent, face your fear and create the career and life you deserve.

Here's What You'll Get When You Join Us

Weekly Video

7 weekly Tailored trainings.
Get clear and make decisions
Articulate and share your value
Ask for what you want
Ask for help
Fall down and get back up again
Set and enforce boundaries
Build your brand and presence

$655 Value

Group Coaching Sessions

9 group coaching sessions with Kate & Fiona every Wednesday at 8AM (AEST) you will get direct access to Kate and Fiona to ask questions on that week’s module.

 $900 Value

Weekly Buddy Guidance

Two heads are better than one, you’ll be paired up with a buddy who is on a similar mission as you. You’ll have a framework to follow together and it’s a great way to build your network.

$450 Value

Second Live Revisit

By joining a second live program, participants have told us they gained even more depth and grounding in having access to their Core Confidence anytime, anywhere; it expanded and deepened their knowledge and capability. 

$1497 Value

12 Months of Access

Not only do you get to move through the live course, but you also have 12 months of access to all of the content and our private Mastermind Facebook group to connect, share and support other program participants.

$997 Value

Confidence Workbook

The program workbook is a tool to collect all of your notes, ideas & breakthroughs. It will help you know exactly what you need to do when.

 $129 Value

Bonus Training Materials

More than 10 bonus trainings, templates, checklists, and scorecards to compliment your Core Confidence journey.

$591 Value

Access Anywhere Anytime

Access training materials, videos, worksheets from your desktop, tablet or phone on our easy to use app.

$139 Value

When you add that all up, it comes to a total value of


But you can enrol today  

And You Can Go From

  •  Confused about what you want and feeling paralysed with indecision.
  • Filled with fear, overwhelm and anxiety. 
  • Feeling unsure about your value to your organisation or how to communicate it.
  • Being "on the edge" of putting your hand up for that opportunity but second guessing whether you really have what it takes. 
  • Living in a state of limbo, waiting to feel ready but unsure as to what it will take to get there.
  • Wasting precious energy avoiding courageous conversations and opportunities that you know will help you grow and develop.
  • Not being seen by key stakeholders in your organisation.
  • Feeling exhausted by the process of constantly trying to get more traction with your career. 
  • Not making the contribution you know you can to the world


To This

  • Confidently moving in the direction of your dreams. 
  • Having a clear plan to follow and are confident to take the action needed to achieve your goals!   
  • Stepping up, speaking up and visible to those that matter
  • Nailing your next big presentation without the nerves, sweaty palms or 30 hours of preparation!
  • Saying no to opportunities or invitations that don’t align with your goals, values or what you want
  • Navigating high stakes situations and conflict with grace and ease.
  • Building a brand and profile that has you being recongnised for the problems you solve and the value you add
  • Taking strategic action, making it happen and GETTING RESULTS!  
  • Finally stepping into your full potential and personal power



Even though I was externally exuding confidence, on the inside I was so scared and the outside didn’t match the inside. During Acts of Confidence I learned how to manage my energy state and expectations of others and it was game changing for me. Now that I’ve got the clarity on what I want to achieve, it’s made it easier to say yes to the right opportunities. I’m able to talk about my wins now as well as my challenges and I’m comfortable doing both.

I am naturally quite a shy person but I have realised to be more visible doesn’t mean I need to change who I am as a person. It just means being a bit more authentic and true to myself… the course has given me a set of tools that I can use and go back to and continue using. I see it very much as the beginning of a growth journey for me. Don’t even think twice there is a lot of value that you get out of the program.

I was really struggling to grow as a Leader. The community around the Acts of Confidence program was so great! Having to commit to the structure kept me accountable. I find I am showing up so much more confident now, even with things like showing up on camera. I’ve realised confidence is a skill that can be learned. The program was life-changing.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Results Speak For Themselves

 I loved the facilitated sessions as well as the accountability of the group.

Before the course I was dealing with a lot of new things in work and a lot of this was really daunting and outside of my comfort zone…..

Since completing acts of confidence I have created better relationships with colleagues and now I have the confidence to do so and I’m showing up differently as a leader and my team are noticing.

 My career was not progressing the way I wanted it to, I was overqualified for the roles I was applying for but I couldn’t seem to break the 

the cycle so I kept doing it.

In Acts of Confidence I loved knowing exactly what I needed to do each week.

How long are you willing to wait to live the life you want?


These are just some of the awesome businesses we've worked with...

Still here?

Good, because there’s something we need to tell you.

We have worked with hundreds of people who have so much expertise and knowledge to give to the world, but they’re not great at showing up and telling people about their unique gifts.

In our lives and careers, those who show up – win.

We don’t want you staying where you are because you are scared and don’t know how to move forward or miss out on opportunities you’d be perfect for.

With Acts of Confidence you will know exactly what to do, then we (along with our whole group of women!) will help you to actually do it! And you can.

We know that it is scary and nerve wracking, of course it is! But we believe in you and the world is waiting for all of you and the gifts that you can bring.

You are so ready for this!


Self doubt is a dream killer and you might be asking "yeah but is this all possible for me?"


But it's only possible to achieve your dreams if you decide to go for it.


You’ve got nothing to lose.


You’re covered by our guarantee.

If you play 100%, show up for all the live sessions and participate fully and you don’t get the results, we’ll give you your money back.

We are that confident that if you show up, go all in and follow the formula, you’ll have massive results.



$2,997 AUD

$184 single payment followed by 30 Weekly payments of $97



$1,997 AUD

One time payment for one person



$10,997 AUD

One time payment for five persons (saving of $1,488)



$21,997 AUD

One time payment for ten persons (saving of $2,973)


If you would like further information, please contact us at [email protected]

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