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Join us on Wednesday 2nd of Oct 2024 for the next session. We go live in











7 steps to unleash your personal power so you can own your value, speak your truth and lead with authenticity and confidence.



7 steps to unleash your personal power so you can own your value, speak your truth and lead with authenticity and confidence.


It's time to connect with your Core Confidence!

When we ask women what they understand about confidence, we hear about it as a feeling, a thing or a belief, often too vague and abstract to describe in a few words. But we know that feeling of confidence, even if it has only been fleeting, is the feeling of being in the driver's seat, knowing what we stand for, connecting with others in a productive manner, and facing challenges with positivity. 


Core Confidence as a concept digs deeper; it describes confidence as an unshakeable resolve and essence that comes from within. It is stepping into our personal power with the physical, emotional, spiritual and intellectual capacity to meet any task or situation in front of us. With Core Confidence, this capacity is internally aligned to our actions, our body language, our speech, and our presence in the company of others.

Do you wish you could...

Are you tired of being passed over for promotion and raises and you want to be seen as a leader?

Have you tried self-development programs before but they never worked for you?

We hear you.


This might sound familiar …

  • You second guess yourself often
  • You struggle to say no
  • You change your mind a lot, even after you made a decision
  • Your past mistakes haunt you
  • You worry about being able to continue to perform the way you are now
  • You find it hard to speak up and be heard
  • You find yourself waiting for the right time
  • You regularly worry if you are doing a good job or not


Imagine you could...


Develop a practical toolkit to navigate roadblocks and red flags when they come up


Get clear on what you really want in life, understand why it's important to you and have a plan to get you there.


Take aligned and courageous action, so you can really own your value, speak your truth and lead with confidence

Meet Your Coaches

Kate is one of Australia’s leading experts on career, confidence and personal brand. Sought-after speaker mentor and facilitator, Kate helps CEO’s, leaders and professional women achieve commercial, professional and personal success.
Fiona is passionate about working with women and organisations to create gender balance at every level of the organisation – she’s known for her work as a coach, mentor and facilitator of leadership and culture programs that disrupt the status quo.
Together, we’ve learned a whole lot along our journey and advised some of the best organisations in Australia, including how to support individual women to step into their power, how to address systemic and structural barriers that are holding women back and how to create cultures where everyone thrives.
And now we want to help you unlock your full potential – which is why we developed this program – it takes all our know-how and provides you with a practical step by step path to own your talent, face your fear and create the career and life you deserve.

Join our community today to transform your career and life!

Our 10-week program is for smart, ambitious women seeking more from their career and life.

The transformation starts from day one as we work through our Building Blocks of Core Confidence; helping you get clear on what you want and articulate your value, goals and boundaries with unshakeable, unbreakable confidence and conviction.

We inspire you to embrace your strengths and struggles, build relationships, and share practical skills to build resilience and face your fears.

We’ve supported hundreds of women through this transformation, and if you are ready for a change, we’d love to work with you too.


Overview Of Acts Of Confidence™


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Our alumni results speak for themselves!


Proven, transformational outcomes ...


Of participants are more confident today than when they started Acts of Confidence™ 

Of participants now have the right strategies to support them in achieving their career & life goals 

Of participants tamed their inner critic and minimised self-doubt 

Of participants have recommended Acts of Confidence™ to a friend, colleague or family member

Of participants have been able to create more time in their personal life by setting effective boundaries and saying no

Of participants have asked for a pay rise, promotion or applied for a more senior role since completing the Acts of Confidence™ Program 

Hear from two Acts of Confidence Alumni:

Chloe & Bonnie

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You are capable of everything you put your mind to and we are going to help you get there.


We are Kate Boorer & Fiona Pearman, and we have dedicated years to empowering women transform their life and careers. Together we wrote and published the Core Confidence book in response to hearing so many working women in our Leadership programs regard confidence as one of their biggest hurdles in their career progression.


We researched these barriers that women perceived to achieving what they wanted in their career and life. We found that confidence was the common denominator across each barrier and their perceived capability to overcome it. These women told us:

  • I’m not speaking up when I want to in meetings
  • I’m frustrated that other people are gaining promotions and pay rises while I am not moving at all
  • I’m working hard, but it does not seem to be enough to get noticed
  • Even when I know the best way forward, I end up second guessing myself
  • I’m just not sure what to do next


We have supported hundreds of women who started with these experiences to step into their confident selves. We have seen them negotiate significant salary increases, take major leaps with their careers, and have a meaningful impact on their teams and organisations.

The Breakdown...

Here are just some of the Acts of Confidence™ transformations you can expect.

The first step is about developing the right foundation for your transformation. You will have guided workshops on setting goals and finding your purpose so that you can get clear on what you want and adopt the mindset you need to take the next steps.

Communicating your value, embracing your struggles and engaging with your confidence anchors is a huge focus throughout the program. Develop your capability to communicate what you can offer stakeholders and potential employers, create opportunities faster and be rewarded more for them.

Transform the way you articulate to your stakeholders what you are planning to achieve and how they can support you. We will give you practical skills to foster relationships, provide feedback and negotiate with authenticity, strategy and conviction.

Resilience ensures you thrive in challenges, especially when things do not turn out as you wanted. This transformation focuses on facing into your fears, leading through change and give you practical strategies to build and retain a resilient mindset.

As you draw deeper into your confidence journey, it is critical that boundaries are set and enforced so that you can establish your own identity, take care of your relationships, well-being and mental health. We will teach you to manage conflict and say no with grace and style.

This transformation is about differentiating your new self from the competition. We work on building your brand, network and presence among stakeholders, with a focus developing rapport, trust and impact by being your authentic self. 

Plus you get these Bonuses


A copy of our Core Confidence book, written by our expert coaches Kate Boorer and Fiona Pearman. Our book includes the models, methodologies and 10 elements of Core Confidence that we share in our workshops.

Bonus training sessions dedicated to high-value topics including How to Set Goals, Finding your Purpose, Strive, Face into Fear, and Build Your Brand & Network.

Templates and checklists, written by our team to complement your learning and growth.

Opportunities to network and meet like-minded women at our events. We know you will feel engaged and supported in our unique community.

Access to expert mentors and their advice, networks and experience to inspire and support your development.


Hear from two Acts of Confidence Alumni:

Jacqui & Ritu

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More incredible results ...

Last year I completed the Acts of Confidence™ program. My BIG Act of Confidence™ was to put up a business case for a promotion and pay increase at work.  To say the least I wasn't happy with the 'No' response I received. But with AOC strategies and a Core Confidence mindset, I picked myself up and instead I set myself my first ever career goal in 25 years of working. I was determined to find a leadership role in my field that paid what I was worth.

I can now say I have achieved my goal! I resigned from my job and  signed a contract in a new role with a salary increase of 35%! All thanks to this program and the support from the women in this community.

Confidence is the biggest issue that I have faced in the 30 years I have been a practitioner.

There are so many elements to AOC; this is really an entire life program because it begins to impact you in all kinds of different ways, and that’s the beauty about it.

Kate and Fiona are so passionate about this topic; not only sharing the information but about the life-changing impact that it has. To let participants go back through this program a second time is just an incredible gift.

I am naturally quite a shy person but I have realised to be more visible doesn’t mean I need to change who I am as a person. It just means being a bit more authentic and true to myself… the course has given me a set of tools that I can use and go back to and continue using. I see it very much as the beginning of a growth journey for me. Don’t even think twice there is a lot of value that you get out of the program.

My career was not progressing the way I wanted it to, I was overqualified for the roles I was applying for but I couldn't seem to break the cycle so I kept doing it. AOC has helped me with setting better boundaries and knowing when I need to say no and feeling confident in saying no. For anyone who has a sense that their career is not going where they want it to go, AOC is perfect for you.


This is what we hear from women just like you, throughout the program ...

Here's What You'll Get When You Join Us

Weekly Video

7 weekly Tailored trainings.
Get clear and make decisions
Articulate and share your value
Ask for what you want
Ask for help
Fall down and get back up again
Set and enforce boundaries
Build your brand and presence

$655 Value

Live Group Coaching Sessions

9 group coaching sessions with Kate & Fiona every Wednesday at 8AM (AEST) you will get direct access to Kate and Fiona to ask questions on that week’s module.

 $900 Value

Weekly Buddy Coaching

Two heads are better than one, you’ll be paired up with a buddy who is on a similar mission as you. You’ll have a framework to follow together and it’s a great way to build your network.

$450 Value

Second Live Revisit

By joining a second live program, participants have told us they gained even more depth and grounding in having access to their Core Confidence anytime, anywhere; it expanded and deepened their knowledge and capability. 

$1997 Value

12 Months of Access

Not only do you get to move through the live course, but you also have 12 months of access to all of the content and our private Mastermind Facebook group to connect, share and support other program participants.

$997 Value

Confidence Workbook

The program workbook is a tool to collect all of your notes, ideas & breakthroughs. It will help you know exactly what you need to do when.

 $129 Value

Bonus Training Materials

More than 10 bonus trainings, templates, checklists, and scorecards to compliment your Core Confidence journey.

$591 Value

Access Anywhere Anytime

Access training materials, videos, worksheets from your desktop, tablet or phone on our easy to use app.

$139 Value

When you add that all up, it comes to a total value of


But you can enrol today  


$2,497 AUD

$169 single payment followed by 24 Weekly payments of $97



$1,997 AUD

One time payment for one person


Frequently Asked Questions

Have further questions? Not sure if Acts of Confidence™ is right for you?
Book a confidence breakthrough call with one of our coaches here

These are just some of the awesome businesses we've worked with...

Still here?

Good, because there’s something we need to tell you.

We have worked with hundreds of people who have so much expertise and knowledge to give to the world, but they struggle to put themselves forward, speak up and articulate their value and capabilities.

In our lives and careers, those who show up – win.

We don’t want you staying where you are because you second guess yourself and your abilities or feel too uncertain with what you want to engage with opportunities that you would be perfect for.

With Acts of Confidence™ you will know exactly what to do. Then we, along with our highly supportive community of women, will help you actually do it! 

We know taking this step can be scary and nerve-wracking. This is about your life and career and your decisions about moving forward are important. But we believe in you and cannot wait to help you unlock all the potential you have!

You are so ready for this!


Self doubt is a dream killer and you might be asking "yeah but is this all possible for me?"


But it's only possible to achieve your dreams if you decide to go for it.