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27th June 8am AEST









When we look at the average male and female full-time salary in Australia there is a 20.1% gap which means men working full time earn $25,679 on average a year more than working full time women.

  • Are you currently paid what you’re worth?
  •  Are you avoiding having a salary conversation with your manager?
  • Are you unclear on how to position your value in a salary negotiation conversation?

In our experience the first stumbling block is not a manager or organisation saying no to a request, it is the assumptions and stories that get in the way of asking in the first place. Things like:

  • Will I look greedy or ungrateful if I ask for more than what I am currently paid?
  • What if they get angry and it impacts the relationships I have developed over time
  • I need to demonstrate more experience and get a few more runs on the board before I can justify asking
  • What if they say no and my worst fears come true and that is that I am not worth what I think I am

Stories, assumptions and a million excuses stop us leaning into the tough conversations like negotiating salary. We know because we have coached hundreds of women to secure pay rises from $10,000 to $90,000 and heard it all! We have been the ones holding mirrors up and having the uncomfortable conversations and holding our clients accountable for negotiating what they are worth.

What we know to be true is:

  • 52% of women believe they are underpaid by 10% or more
  • Of these – less than half have had an open conversation about salary (ie asked for a payrise)
  • At least 1 in 2 women we talk to are underpaid by $20,000 or more

But it doesn’t have to be like that..

2020 was a wipe-out year! Salaries were cut or on hold (let's all work 5 days and get paid 4!) and most of us were just grateful to have some version of job security. 2024 is a new year and if you have been procrastinating or avoiding talking about or negotiating your salary then now is the time to do something about it.

Join authors of Core Confidence Kate Boorer and Fiona Pearman as they unpack why you can no longer afford to not have the confidence to back yourself and ask for what you deserve.


“Great session… I needed a reset! With COVID and a new role, my confidence dropped and the session helped reset my mindset and acted as a reminder that I need to have confidence in me and articulate what I am worth. It’s about being valued for what you bring to the organisation.”


“Two of my takeaways were:

  • The realisation/reminder that being underpaid has/can have a compounding effect year on year.
  • Raising the topic and having the conversation doesn’t necessarily mean a ‘yes’ straight away (usually it doesn’t), but it can prompt further, future discussions, reflection by managers and consideration thereafter.”

“Only was able to catch then first half of the session and I really enjoyed the initial discussion and structure and tool.

I would love to join a proper full session next time :)”

Core Confidence Coaching

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Meet Your Coaches

If we haven’t met before, we are Kate Boorer & Fiona Pearman, together we wrote the Core Confidence book because we kept hearing from women in our Leadership programs that one of their biggest stumbling blocks was confidence. The more we unpacked the barriers to women achieving what they wanted in career and life – all paths led back to confidence. These women told us:

  • I’m not speaking up when I want to in meetings

  • I’m frustrated that others are gaining promotions and payrise while I seem to be standing still

  • I thought working hard would be enough to be noticed

  • Even when I know the best way forward, I end up second guessing myself I’m just not sure what to do next

We’ve worked with hundreds of women just like you, and have seen them step into their confident selves, negotiate significant salary increases, make big leaps with their careers and have a major impact on their teams and organisations.

Kate is one of Australia’s leading experts on career, confidence and personal brand. Sought-after speaker mentor and facilitator, Kate helps CEOs, leaders and professional women achieve commercial, professional and personal success.

Fiona is passionate about working with women and organisations to create gender balance at every level of the organisation – she’s known for her work as a coach, mentor and facilitator of leadership and culture programs that disrupt the status quo.